Research on Pakhto language and Pakhtana settlement is beyond the scope of this paper. Ghor and Suri Pakhtana are selected as the early geographical and historical references to study Pakhtoonwali, Pakhtoon nationalism and its further evolution into Afghan nationalism.
Suri and Zuri, similar to that of Loyakan, is one of the early families of prominent Pakhtana kings. Zahak or Sahak had two sons; the older was Suri and younger Sam. The first was a king and the second his army chief. They ruled in Ghor long before Islam. Since one of their grand fathers was Shansub, later they were known as Shansubis. The Shansub, who accepted Islam under Caliph Hazrat Ali, was empowered by the Caliph as the king of Ghor. A well-known Mahavi Suri was another king in the Suri Pakhtoon family, who murdered the last king of Iran YazdGard, the 3 rd, and Caliph Hazrat Ali subsequently appointed him as the king of Merv.
Shansub was the son of Khrang, and his son Amir Polad Suri was popular historical authority. Amir Polad Suri was the king of Ghor around 130 Hegira. His command center was in Mandish of Ghor. He made an alliance with Abu Muslim Khurassani for struggle against Amavis rule in the region. They were able to push out Amavis from Khurassan. Prominent Amir Kuror Jehan Pahlawan was the son of Amir Polad Suri. He was the king of Ghor in 139 Hegira. He also fought in an alliance with Abu Muslim Khurassani against Arab rule. Another famous king of this family was Banji Baharan (Mir Banji). He reached a compromise with Haroon Rashid in 170 Hegira. He received an edict from Haroon Rashid recognizing him as the king of his territory. Another king form this family was Amir Suri at the same period of Al-e Safar (254-256) Hegira. This Suri family ruled from the early years of Islam starting with Shansub to the era of the Ghaznavid dynasty under Sultan Mahmood and Masood. The same family later defeated the Ghaznavied and established the Ghorid dynasty (1148-1214) AD.